Help us to serve more families during the COVID-19 pandemic

Defeat COVID19

The second wave of the COVID pandemic has wreaked havoc on India's public health system, resulting in an unprecedented public health catastrophe owing to the widespread of COVID infection across the country. In addition, through COVID prevention, immunization, and food security initiatives, we have a target to help 200 vulnerable families to start with

The Project will focus on the following actions

Food Aid

To provide food baskets to 200 impoverished and vulnerable COVID-affected households for a period of 30 days to ensure food and nutrition security.

Campaign to raise public awareness: To promote knowledge on ways to prevent the spread of COVID in the taluk district in Karnataka, including addressing stigma and misunderstandings about vaccines.

Our Outreach

During COVID first wave, we reached 110 families in Karnataka and Udaipur covering 10 villages.

The second wave of the COVID pandemic has wreaked havoc on India's public health system, resulting in an unprecedented public health catastrophe owing to the widespread of COVID infection across the country. In addition, through COVID prevention, immunization, and food security initiatives, we have a target to help 200 vulnerable families to start with

Food Baskets

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